4-H'ers learning paddling skills
4-H'er foraging for wild edibles!
Shooting Sports takes place once a month!
4-H Survival Skill Challenge! Youth competed in teams at 6 challenge stations!
4-Her's learning how to snowshoe!
4-H Outdoor Adventure

Our 4-H'ers were interviewed during 4-H Fun Day, by Ashley Soriano, at WBNG Channel 12 News. 4-H'ers you did an awesome job representing Chenango 4-H & speaking on camera! We are very proud of you!
4-H Outdoor Adventure
Winter Fun: 4-H'ers hiked the Finger Lakes Trail for the annual 4-H Holiday Hike. They built a campfire, cooked lunch and enjoyed playing in the snow and hanging out in the lean-to by the waterfalls.
The 4-H Outdoor Adventure program is designed to get youth excited about spending time outdoors. It is our hope that the program promotes opportunities for youth to explore and learn about their natural environment through different avenues. Events are every month throughout the year. Please contact Erica Clark to get more info and to sign up for a program. CLICK HERE for upcoming events.
Register for all programs with Erica at Elc97@cornell.edu
607-334-5841 x1114
Last updated December 29, 2022