Every year 4-H members, volunteers, and staff come together to celebrate the growth of our youth over the past year. The Annual Awards Event recognizes youth for their participation, individual growth, achievement, cooperation, and leadership. The purpose of recognition is to encourage and support the efforts of young people in learning to improve their knowledge and develop their life skills, while promoting self-confidence. This year our achievement night will be on October 18th at Peila View Farm!
Record keeping is a life skill 4-H has instilled in youth for generations. Please fill out our 4-H Year End Packet for your youth's age group to be eligible for County Pins or other awards. Past forms will be accepted for the 2023-2024 year.
Cloverbuds: Linked here
4-H Members Year End Packet: Linked here
What are county medals?
County Medals are awarded to youth who have done work within a project area, gone above and beyond the scope of the project area, and might have shared their knowledge with others.
Areas of Pins are listed on the front of the 4-H Member's Year End Packet linked above.
Who is eligible?
Youth must be at least 8 years old.
Who can submit recommendations?
4-H volunteers, parents, or staff can submit a recommendation by emailing the 4-H office.
When are recommendations due?
October 4th, 2024
Victoria Ryan
4-H Animal Science and Agriculture Educator
607-334-5841 ext. 1115
Last updated September 6, 2024