Beyond the Barn


4-H Beyond the Ring

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

4-H Teen Leader Emily H. will be sharing her expertise with 4-Hers in a live demo on how to prepare for the ring.

With years of experience in cattle showing, Emily and her family will guide participants through essential steps, including daily care, halter training, proper grooming techniques, and show-day preparations.

The goal of this program is to help 4-Hers gain confidence, develop strong animal-handling skills, and understand what it takes to present a well-prepared heifer in the ring.



Victoria Ryan
4-H Animal Science and Agriculture Educator
607-334-5841 ext. 1115


Summer Wind Farm
244 Scouten Hill Rd
Oxford, NY 13830

Last updated March 18, 2025