t. 607-334-5841
e. chenango@cornell.edu
w. ccechenango.org
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Chenango County
Spring Green Salad
revised from foodhero.org
6 oz spinach (about 7 cups)
3 oranges
11/2 cups strawberries, halved
1 cup walnuts, chopped
(toasted if desired)
1 tsp– sugar
1/4 tsp– paprika
2 Tbsp– orange juice
1 Tbsp– lemon juice
11/2 tsp– vinegar
1 tsp– onion, finely chopped
2 Tbsp– olive oil
Wash and dry spinach, tear into pieces.
To prepare orange: cut off peel and membrane of outer part of the sections. Using a paring knife gently cut out sections from membrane edges. You end up with orange sections with no outer membrane.
To make dressing: Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake well or blend in a blender.
Right before serving, toss orange and strawberries with walnuts and spinach. Add dressing to coast salad. Serve immediately.
Southern Tier SNAP-Ed is funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program- SNAP. SNAP provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. To find out more, go to www.myBenefits.ny.gov or contact 1-800-342-3009. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.